Remember when?

Remember when?

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Do you see it? Up on the hill! The meadow! Oh my gosh, it’s in full bloom. “Hurry up, Sis!” I yell, my magic PF Flyers sprouting wings. I race across the field to the perfect spot. “Here. Right here!” I yell, as I pat down the blossoms to make our magic carpet. We lay down on our backs and watch the clouds skip by, a cool breeze pushing them along. “It smells just like purple!” Peggy whispers. “I know! Grape bubblegum, I think!” We lay quietly for a few moments. “Lay still. Don’t move!” I grab my sister’s hand and squeeze tight. A humungous, black and yellow bumble bee passes over our faces and settles into a juicy blossom close by. As if one, we jump up, exhale, and fly across the meadow laughing at our close call!